Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
Epistemology. I Wonder 2...
by braincleaned inwhat is the value of our knowledge?.
i respect all beliefs for what they are.
but many of us are being treated condescendingly by those who have more certainty than we atheists do.
Mickey mouse
I keep reading this as episiotomy.
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat inafter some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
Mickey mouse
Very odd. I guess he had to do what he had to do.
A new hero is on the job : Meet APOSTA GIRL
by Watchtower-Free inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9ytlreojyc.
from "roguepixel100" on youtube.
Mickey mouse
Ha ha
FDS... GB Member Geoffrey Jackson's wife looks young
by sherrie11 in.
how old is this man?
any one have more information on him?.
Mickey mouse
His first wife died of cancer a little under four years ago http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/186767/1/GB-member-Geoff-Jacksons-wife-dies#.UlETFu1wZdg
He got engaged again in 2012 http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/228309/1/Governing-body-member-engaged-Again#.UlETGu1wZdg
New Revised NWT Inspection Project
by dontplaceliterature inanyone here interested in splitting up the new bible by books to compare it to the old one and see if there are any significant changes they are hiding in there that weren't announced at the annual meeting today?
it'll be available for dl from jw.org on monday....
Mickey mouse
I am looking forward to seeing the comparison.
Recording meeting
by Fading Begins infirst 30 min announcing a collection of bibles collected from r & f that is to go on display at bethel.
also accounts of how they "miraculously" received bibles that they didn't think they could get - eg.
geneva bible.. now - watchtower study review as there is no meeting tomorrow..
Mickey mouse
The new light will be in the reinterpreted scriptures.
AGM Release: The New, Improved New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
by Oubliette inthis just in from the annual meeting: a new release of the new, improved new world translation of the holy scriptures.
(reposted from http://m.imgur.com/a/crap8):.
Mickey mouse
Recording meeting
by Fading Begins infirst 30 min announcing a collection of bibles collected from r & f that is to go on display at bethel.
also accounts of how they "miraculously" received bibles that they didn't think they could get - eg.
geneva bible.. now - watchtower study review as there is no meeting tomorrow..
Mickey mouse
Contains a mini reasoning book.
Extensive appendix. Remarkably well organized bible. Contains maps and other references.
Most unusual feature is an outlined summary before each individual book.
The NWT bible translation committee was made up of anointed brothers.
"long suffering" has been replaced with patience. "Loose conduct" is now "brazen conduct", "fornication" is sexual immorality. "Impaled" is now "nailed to a stake"
"Sheol and hades" replaced with "the grave"
"Revelries" is now "wild parties"
"Soul" is now a variety of words depending on context.
"Kidney" now means "deepest emotions".
"In want of heart" is now "lacking good sense"
"Sons of isreal" now "Israelites"
"Fatherless boy" is now "fatherless child"
They've eliminated the long conclusion for Mark 16, the short conclusion as well. They've done away with John 7:53-8:11
They've also revised several other scriptures which are not listed.
Recording meeting
by Fading Begins infirst 30 min announcing a collection of bibles collected from r & f that is to go on display at bethel.
also accounts of how they "miraculously" received bibles that they didn't think they could get - eg.
geneva bible.. now - watchtower study review as there is no meeting tomorrow..
Mickey mouse
Maybe cuz us womenz be stoopid and couldn't get the darn things open